When a road gets the name, The Devil's Backbone, you know its going to be an interesting piece of asphalt. After a long, shoulder and mind numbing ride on the toll roads the day before, from Los Mochis (backtracking a bit) to Mazatlan, and a "crap" night sleep at the sex motel, I was intrigued by this road north to Durango. My goal was to get as close to San Miguel Allende as possible, so that the final day of the three day trip would be a short one. Once there, I would be staying for about a week.
Soon after leaving Mazatlan (sea level) and heading northeast on Hwy 40 I started "up". Within two hours my GPS unit was registering over 9,000 feet. The roads were tight and twisty, really twisty. So twisty, that semis had to come to a complete stop before entering a turn in order to allow an "opposing" semi to come through its turn. And, when you came across an opposing semi mid-turn, he had to take up both lanes to get through it. There was no way of knowing what was coming around the next bend. Trucks, sand and a lack of proper road camber when built, made one take the corners with caution, not sport (like Hwy 1 in California). That said, it was a beautiful road-more so because I had never expected it. Mexico has proven to have many hidden surprises. Beautiful, but it was the longest 150-miles I have ever experienced. It was obvious enough, but the numerous road memorials dotting the were a constant reminder to "PAY ATTENTION!"
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