Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Coco's Corner

Coco is an absolute legend to all that travel these parts. As George W. would say, "use the Google", and you will find pages and pages on this guy. Short story is that many years ago the Mexican government offered free land in these remote areas to those that would homestead it. Coco staked his claim where two dirt roads converged, and nothing else much else happens. (The junction to Hwy 1 lies about fifteen miles west.) For years he has been welcoming tourist and guests to his self-decorated corner, offering "tourista information", selling a Cokes or beer, and offering space to camp. 

As soon as I cut the engine in his dirt lot, I heard a, "Hey, Amigo!", like an old friend would call out. "Hey Coco, mind if I come in?" "Si, come on in amigo." He was working on the rear brakes of a Jeep Eagle that someone had given him. As hard as it must be to live out in this area, I can't even remotely imagine how difficult it must be as a double amputee - both legs are gone below the knee. I believe he lost his first leg as a result of an accident, and just recently the second due to poor circulation. With all that, I promise that you will never meet someone with a better attitude or disposition than Coco! It's impossible not to fall in love with the guy within five minutes of being in his presence. 

I had the privilege of signing his famous guest book (he gets visitors almost daily), and was given a couple of his decals for my bike. I gave him a couple of our Write Around the World stickers for the book as well. 

Coco is one in a million, and there will never be another like him. Same goes for this region of Baja. The paved road from Puertecitos should reach Gonzaga Bay within two years, and Coco's soon after. It will probably make Coco, and a lot others, very wealthy, but will forever change this part of Baja. 

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